Tax Season Hitting You Hard? Start 2019 by Structuring Your Fees


It’s that time of year again when attorneys across the country cringe upon receiving their tax bills. Fortunately, if you’re a contingency fee-based attorney, then you have the opportunity to leverage tax-advantaged investments to keep more of your fees where they belong—in your pocket. Keep reading to learn how.

Using a Fee Structure to Grow Your Wealth

Why structure your fees? The reason is simple.

Funds placed in an attorney fee structure grow tax-deferred. By spreading your payments out over time, you avoid paying a huge tax bill all at once, plus there’s the possibility that you may find yourself with a lower tax liability in the future.

There are multiple alternatives for attorney fee deferrals, and each has its own set of minimum investment requirements, setup, and administration costs. Further, some products are only available through certain carriers. Therefore, it’s important to work closely with your Sage Settlement Consultant to determine which product is right for you.

Regardless of which solution you choose, don’t forget that the ability to structure your fees must be included in the settlement agreement. Now, let’s explore your options:

Higher Interest Earning Potential: Market-Based Structured Settlements for Attorneys

A market-based structured settlement allows you to invest your contingency fee, tax-deferred, in a market-related investment portfolio (similar to your 401(k), but without the access restrictions).

Payments are received on a periodic payment schedule, and a 1099 is issued for funds paid in any given year. You can elect to have your funds managed by a respected financial institution or by your own financial advisor.

A market-based structured settlement offers you the chance for market-related growth while still providing a steady stream of income. It also allows you to invest the full amount of your pre-tax contingency fees.

To illustrate1, here’s a simple breakdown of a $1 million fee using the lump sum cash option vs. a market-based structured settlement:

Immediate Cash Payment

Market-Based Structured Settlement 

Pay income tax now (40% tax bracket)

Defer income tax

$600,000 remaining to invest

$1,000,000 invested

Invest in market/fixed growth

Funds invested in market/fixed growth

Taxed as it grows

Taxed when paid out

Tried and True: Fixed Income Annuities

If you aren’t interested in market-based investments, a fixed annuity provides guaranteed2 fixed income. There are no ongoing administrative or maintenance fees, and even better, you’re in control of the payment amounts, schedule, and how the money is used.

Saving money for your children’s college tuition? You don’t need to worry about whether the structured attorney fee payments are used for qualified educational expenses, as you would with a 529 plan.

Building up your retirement nest egg? Unlike contribution limits associated with traditional retirement plans, there are no limits to the amount you can structure.

Depending on the life company that issues your fixed income annuity, there may also be the opportunity to select a rider tying your annuity to growth to the S&P 500 index. If the S&P rises within a certain period, then the annuity payments also increase by the same percentage (up to 5%). If the S&P declines or remains flat, there is no impact on the annuity payments.

Don’t Wait: Contact Sage Settlement Consulting Today

If you are considering structuring all or a portion of your contingency fees and want to learn more, contact one of our settlement consultants before your client’s settlement is finalized. Your Sage Settlement Consultant will help you choose the best product to meet your financial goals.

For more information regarding your attorney fee deferral options, contact Sage Settlement Consulting today at 877-737-7243 or

1Hypothetical example intended for illustrative purposes only.

2 Guarantees are subject to the claims-paying abilities of the issuing insurance company.

Sage Settlement Consulting, LLC and its affiliates (collectively, “Sage”) does not provide advice or services related to the purchasing of, selling of, or investing in securities or other financial instruments. Any discussion of securities contained herein is not intended or written to be used, and cannot be used, as advice related to the purchasing of, selling of, or investing in securities or other financial instruments. Sage does not provide legal, tax, or accounting advice or services. Any discussion of legal or tax matters contained herein is for illustrative purposes only and is not intended or written to be used, and cannot be used, as legal advice or for avoiding any penalties that may be imposed under Federal tax laws.
